YYC Hot Chocolate Fest Recommendations

YYC Hot Chocolate fest is almost over! Over the course of it I’ve been trying as many hot chocolates as I (feasibly) can. If you want to go out and try some of the best ones, here are the highlights: From Week 1 Cookies & Cream by Rosso Crema Di Arachidi Cioccolato by Cravings Bistro From Week 2 Blueberry Bomber …

YYC Hot Chocolate Fest Week 3

Another week of YYC Hot Chocolate Fest, another week of tastings. Dark Chocolate & Cherry Burst by Flower & Wolf This one was quite the treat, is a strong rival with Cravings for my favorite. The hot chocolate itself was delicious, heavy, and creamy, and the marshmallow was delicious. There was a small hint of cherry, but it’s so small …

YYC Hot Chocolate Fest Week 2

This Saturday my wife and a friend and I went out to try some more hot chocolates! We wanted to try more, but life has been busy. Here are my thoughts. These were taken to go, so their pictures won’t quite match the official. Caramello Tartlette by Ladybug Bakery & Cafe The cafe itself was lovely, I definitely want to …

The Problem with a Dark Souls Tabletop RPG

So Steamforged recently posted a first look at the mechanics in the dark souls roleplaying game. While I’m going to wait until the game fully releases before voicing my thoughts on it, I’ve been trying to capture the ‘magic’ of dark souls into a tabletop game for years – and I am – definitely not – the only – one. …

It’s YYC Hot Chocolate Month

Every February in Calgary is YYC Hot Chocolate Fest. Dozens of cafes and restaurants create custom hot chocolates for this month, and $1 from every purchase goes to support Meals On Wheels. Trying new delectable concoctions while helping a charitable organization, what’s not to love! Similar to my Stampede Food review, I’ve decided to write up my thoughts on each …

Space VS Narrative Part 2

The last post here was my first about tabletop roleplaying games. It got a lot of excellent feedback, and it quickly became apparent that a follow-up post was needed, so here it is! To summarize the previous article Space and Narrative are two separate mindsets that one can embody when playing a roleplaying game, either as a PC or as …

Describing a Space VS Expressing a Narrative

“You’re in a dark tunnel about five feet across, there is a doorway ahead to your right but the tunnel also continues straight ahead, fading into the dark.” My friends and I were playing our weekly roleplaying game session when, to my surprise, our GM made this statement this to us. So Why Was That Statement Surprising? We were playing …